1001 Cool Jokes : Rib-tickling, hilarious jokes! - Glen Singleton

1001 Cool Jokes

Rib-tickling, hilarious jokes!

By: Glen Singleton

Paperback | 1 August 2015 | Edition Number 1

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Looking for some laughs? We have them! We have found 1001 of them and whacked them right here. Some are worth a giggle, there are few that will raise a smile. There is a batch that will have you in stitches and another that will have you in tears. There's a special section with jokes that will make you snort and a few that will make you smirk.

This is a collection of the best jokes we could find around the world, so get into 1001 Cool Jokes and get your ribs tickling! This 207-page paperback book contains hilarious jokes in over 15 categories including riddles, knock-knock, and 'what do you call...' jokes. With great coloured illustrations throughout 1001 Cool Jokes will keep children entertained for hours!
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