A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia : 4th Edition - Steve Wilson

A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia

4th Edition

By: Steve Wilson (Photographer), Gerry Swan

Paperback | 24 June 2013 | Edition Number 4

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Species are grouped in families, for example Skinks, Dragons Monitors, Blind Snakes and Pythons. Species are illustrated with lively colour photographs showing them in their natural habitat. Each is accompanied by a distribution map; a description – with distinguishing features highlighted in bold text; notes on the species’ range and preferred habitat; information on subspecies and similar species; and, wherever appropriate, conservation status. Extra photographs show most recognized subspecies, as well as differences within species and between sexes. Photographs of significant reptile habitats are also included.

This field guide features diagnostic illustrations, classification notes, selected reading and a thorough index. The book is designed to be a comprehensive yet compact and portable tool for reptile identification anywhere in Australia

About the Author

Gerry Swan is currently an Associate of the Australian Museum and Editor of the journal Herpetofauna. He is the author of several books and spends much of his time as a wildlife consultant and author. He is an established New Holland author, having written the popular Green Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Australia. Wildlife photographer and author Steve Wilson works at the Queensland Museum as the Inquiry Centre Supervisor.

He fields countless natural history inquiries from the general public. He has contributed to numerous articles on natural history to such popular magazines as GEO, BBC Wildlife, Das Tier and Australian Geogrphic and is co-author, with David Knowles, of Australia's Reptiles (1988) as well as writing two chapters of the popular bestseller, Wildlfie of Great Brisbane. Steve specializes in Herpetology and has authored several descriptions of new species of snakes and lizards in Australia.

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