A Maths Dictionary for Kids CD-ROM : Mult-e-Maths UK - Jenny Eather

A Maths Dictionary for Kids CD-ROM

Mult-e-Maths UK

By: Jenny Eather

CD-ROM | 31 May 2004

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Mult-e-Maths is a suite of electronic primary mathematics materials developed for use with interactive whiteboards. Produced in conjunction with BEAM Education, and with Anita Straker as Series Consultant, it is designed to help teachers make the most effective use of their interactive whiteboards and to enhance children's understanding of mathematics. Mult-e-Maths is organised into separate CD-ROM components, to give teachers flexibility in choosing products according to their needs. Each CD-ROM can be used independently, or in combination with any other component. Components include the Mult-e-Maths Primary Maths Toolbox, A Maths Dictionary for Kids, and a series of Starters and Lessons organised into strands to ensure continuity, progression and differentiation across each year group and Key Stage.

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