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All the Way Round - Stuart Trueman

All the Way Round

By: Stuart Trueman

Paperback | 1 June 2013 | Edition Number 1

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In 2010, Stuart Trueman set out on a 16-month voyage to circumnavigate Australia by kayak. He wasn't the first person to complete the circumnavigation, or even the second - but he was determined to make it a triumphant third. Stuart's adventure was to be done on a shoestring, with no support team and a powerful belief in the philosophy of Do-It-Yourself, albeit with the kindness and help of the many people he met along the way. This single-handed journey would see him face extraordinary challenges, including the non-stop crossing of mighty 200-kilometre cliff formations, huge seas, dangerous surf, sleeping whales, inquisitive sharks, large crocodiles and the sheer, relentless grind of paddling day in and day out all around Australia's massive coastline. From heatstroke in the tropical north to the icy gales of the Southern Ocean, and everything in between, Stuart's experienced all the wonders and terrors of Australia's diverse geography, writing a gripping account that vividly brings to life the coasts of our incredible continent. Filled with dry humour, resilience and the myriad incidents and dramas that made up this epic journey, All the Way Round is a classic of adventure.

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