Ancient Grains : Whole-food recipes for the Modern Table - Catherine Saxelby

Ancient Grains

Whole-food recipes for the Modern Table

By: Catherine Saxelby

Paperback | 1 August 2013 | Edition Number 1

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We all know that processed foods, such as refined wheat, lack the nutritional goodness of whole-grain foods—but did you know that many whole grains provide similar, if not stronger, health benefits than fruit and vegetables? Most of us choose our food for flavor rather than nutrition, and whole foods have had an undeserved reputation for being bland and old-fashioned.

Ancient Grains seeks to overturn this misconception, revealing that limiting yourself to refined wheat and white rice is like painting with only one color, while cooking with ancient grains offers a rich palette of flavorful whole-grain meals.

About the Author

Catherine Saxelby is a renowned nutritionist and food commentator. She has written seven books, including the phenomenal Nutrition for Life, which has sold more than a quarter of a million copies. She has a high profile in the media across television, radio, print media.

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