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Adventures of a Psychic - Sylvia Browne

Adventures of a Psychic

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The fascinating and inspiring true-life story of one of America’s most successful clairvoyants! On this uniquely fascintating 3-CD set program, renowned psychic Sylvia Browne recounts her captivating life as a young woman growing up with the gift of clairvoyancge; tells of her uncanny interactions with "Francine" here spirit guide; and reveals the many lessons she's learned about life, death, and the "Other Side". Abridged audio book read by the author.

"PSYCHIC, MEDIUM, CLAIRVOYANT, CHANNEL—these are all words used to describe Sylvia Browne’s unique power. I would prefer to use the word LOVE because that’s what Sylvia Browne represents to me—love of the gift God gave her, and love of spirituality in the messages she gives us all. I’ve personally witnessed her bring closure to distraught families, help the police close cases, and witnessed her open people’s hearts to help them see the good within themselves. I never believed in the first four words before, and then I met Sylvia Browne.” — MONTEL WILLIAMS

About The Author

SYLVIA BROWNE was born in Kansas City, Missouri. At three years old, Sylvia’s psychic powers were revealed when she announced that her grandfather was dead (he was), and that she would have a baby sister in three years. Just as predicted, Sharon was born one month short of Sylvia’s sixth birthday. Sylvia’s grandmother, Ada Coil, was herself a medium; and Celeste, Sylvia’s mother, grew up in a home where visions were commonplace. Although she herself was not psychic, Celeste accepted it as normal, if somewhat annoying. She did not welcome more eccentricity in her life, however, and would do nothing to encourage it in her daughter. Their lifelong relationship was strained, but Sylvia’s relationship with her father was very close and loving. Millions of people have witnessed Sylvia Browne’s incredible psychic powers on TV shows such as Montel, Larry King Live, Entertainment Tonight, and Unsolved Mysteries; and she has been profiled in Cosmopolitan, People magazine, and other national media. Sylvia is the author of numerous books and audios; is president of the Sylvia Browne Corporation; and is the founder of her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus, located in Campbell, California.

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