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What I Know for Sure - Oprah Winfrey

What I Know for Sure

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In the first issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, Oprah wrote: 'We are all the causes of our own effects ... That's why I'll never stop asking the question, "What do you know for sure?"' In the fourteen years since Oprah wrote those words, she has retired The Oprah Winfrey Show (the highest-rated programme of its kind in history), launched her own television network, become America's only black billionaire, lost beloved pets and adopted new ones, watched friends and colleagues come and go, celebrated milestone birthdays - and through it all, she's continued to offer profound and inspiring words of wisdom in her monthly O column, 'What I Know For Sure'.

Now, for the first time, these thoughtful gems have been revised, updated and collected in What I Know For Sure, a beautiful book packed with insight and revelation from Oprah Winfrey. Organised by theme, these essays offer a rare and powerful glimpse into the mind of one of the world's most extraordinary women. Candid, moving, exhilarating, uplifting and dynamic, the words Oprah shares in What I Know For Sure shimmer with the sort of wisdom and truth that readers will turn to again and again.
Industry Reviews
'Each essay provides a brief encouraging and thought-provoking reading moment. Gentle and supportive, while concise and sincere, these brief observations invite readers to five minutes of quiet contemplaton.' -- Publishers Weekly

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