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Clinical Applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response : Singular Audiology Textbook - Linda Hood

Clinical Applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response

By: Linda Hood

Paperback | 1 September 1998 | Edition Number 1

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Focusing on the auditory brainstem response (ABR) and its applications in evaluating neural disorders and hearing sensitivity, Clinical Applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response is an essential tool for every audiologist. This practical, hands-on manual provides the information necessary to understand the bases for and applications of the auditory brainstem response in clinical practice, presenting substantive, valuable information on both performance and interpretation of the measures.
Industry Reviews
Series Foreword by Lazlo Stein, Ph.D. Foreword by Charles Berlin, Ph.D. Acknowledgments. Preface. THE NORMAL AUDITORY BRAINSTEM RESPONSE. Introduction and Overview. The Normal Auditory Brainstem Response. Acquisition of the ABR. Stimulus, Recording, and Patient Factors influencing the ABR. Clinical Applications of the ABR. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE ABR IN NEUROLOGICAL TESTING. Clinical Application of the ABR in Estimating Hearing Sensitivity. Testing Infants and Children with Physiologic Measures. CASE STUDIES AND REPORT WRITING. ABR Cases Studies. Reporting ABR TEst Results. Appendix: ABR Laboratory Exercises and Protocol Practice. Glossary. Reference. Index.

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