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AWW Biscuits : Australian Women's Weekly - The Australian Women's Weekly

AWW Biscuits

Australian Women's Weekly

By: The Australian Women's Weekly

Paperback | 1 July 2010

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A collection of 180 recipes for every biscuit imaginable.

From savoury biscuits to serve with cheese, to tiny sweet biscuits to serve with coffee, everyone loves (and is impressed by) homemade biscuits. There are filled and iced biscuits, chocolate-dipped biscuits, meringues, macaroons and biscotti.

There are also no-bake biscuits - the perfect way to introduce children to cooking. And there are slices - beautiful rich slices such as brownies and caramel slice.

About The Author

The Australian Women's Weekly is an extraordinarily successful global cookery brand, built over 30 years, having sold over 70 million books in over 100 countries around the world. So what's the secret? It's the world famous special Test Kitchen and the 3 Rs: RANGE, RELIABILITY & the RECIPES RANGE Delicious recipes for every occasion covering cuisine from around the world - where there's food, there's a Women's Weekly cookbook. RELIABILITY All the books are Triple Tested for guaranteed results. And finally, the RECIPES Each recipe is clearly and vividly photographed to illustrate your finished dish and they taste fantastic. It's not complicated and the recipes work - every time.

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