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AWW Edible Garden : Growing and Cooking Vegetables and Herbs : Australian Women's Weekly - Australian Women's Weekly

AWW Edible Garden : Growing and Cooking Vegetables and Herbs

Australian Women's Weekly

By: Australian Women's Weekly

Paperback | 1 November 2010

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An inspirational cookbook and gardening manual in one

The Edible Garden will teach you how to grow and cook your own fruit, vegetables and herbs and reap the rewards. You will save money, know that your produce is absolutely free from chemicals, and that it will taste much better than store-bought. Arranged by season, there are notes about what to do in your garden at every stage of the year, as well as detailed information about planting, maintaining and picking your crop accompanied by earthy, natural photos of produce. Plus there are the recipes to show you how to make the most of your produce and instructions on how to preserve it so that you can share it with grateful friends and neighbours.There are more than 40 individual entries, so no matter where you live, there is something that you can grow successfully.

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