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Becoming the Iceman - Wim Hof

Becoming the Iceman

By: Wim Hof

Paperback | 4 November 2011

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Becoming the Iceman is a project inspired by Wim and Justin to show the world that anyone can adopt the ability to become an Iceman or Icewoman. The project's goal is to show that the ability to control the body's temperature is not a genetic defect in Wim, but an ability that can be adopted by everyone. For many generations, we have been taught to fear the cold: "Don't forget your jacket! You don't want hypothermia, do you?""Put your gloves on before you get frostbite!"Of course, these are consequences of extreme cold exposure, but with the proper understanding, anyone can learn to use the cold as a natural teacher.You may have seen Wim Hof on television running barefoot through the snow or swimming in ice-cold waters. While performing those incredible feats, Wim remained completely warm and comfortable the entire time! Wim is the epitome of what can happen if someone uses the cold to train the body. Like any new tool, you must understand how it works before you can use it efficiently. This pertains to the cold as well. You may be wondering, "How can you prove that anyone can learn this ability?Well, as of Fall 2009, Justin Rosales had no experience with the cold whatsoever. He was a college student attending Penn State University. After Justin's friend, Jarrett, showed him one of Wim's videos on You-Tube, he became exceedingly interested in understanding this ability. He wanted to see if it was possible for anyone to learn. In Spring 2010, after speaking to Wim for several months via email, Wim invited Justin to attend his workshop in Poland. After many weeks of working as a dishwasher, Justin was able to pay for the trip and learn the technique of the Iceman.With more training and countless experiences with the cold, Justin began to slowly adapt. The length of time he could remain exposed increased dramatically. He quickly realized that the technique to withstand the cold was, indeed, an ability that could be learned by everyone. This book tells the tale of Wim and Justin's journey to Becoming the Iceman!

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