Beer : A Gauge For Enthusiasts : Greg Duncan-Powell - Greg Duncan Powell

Beer : A Gauge For Enthusiasts

Greg Duncan-Powell

By: Greg Duncan Powell

Paperback | 1 August 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Greg Duncan Powell - beer obsessive, champion imbiber, rollicking writer - has gone the hard yards with this one, bringing you 150 beers from across Australia (and those washed up on our shores) sniffed, sampled and scored - from boutique lovelies to mass-market brews.

An entertaining guide to the different species of amber liquid, Beer features a detailed explanation of how beer is made and a short history of brewing, followed by a survey of as many beers as author Greg Duncan Powell could lay his hands on. It also taps into the growing interest in boutique beers and breweries, while including the ever-increasing array of mass-market beers. Each beer profile is accompanied by supporting photography and classified according to the type and style of beer.

You'll never look at beer with less than appreciation again!

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