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Bush Seasons - Joan Semmens

Bush Seasons

By: Joan Semmens

Hardcover | 8 July 2002

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At its most convincing level, this book shows in awesome detail just what it is that we stand to lose when we fail to vigorously protect and conserve even relatively small areas of the little natural landscape that remains of Australia's once-vast bush and woodlands. At another level, it represents the author's passion and dedication to the environment in general - and her abiding affection for this particular piece of it. She spent over 15 years of her life studying the plants and creatures in this scrap of remnant vegetation and illustrated them with detailed drawings and enchanting, delicate watercolours. At its most modest level, this beautiful book is a month-by-month record of the yearly cycle of interdependent plant and animal life found in a tiny, 45-hectare woodland nature reserve in north-eastern Victoria, presenting an intricate picture of its complex and delicate biodiversity.

Industry Reviews
"While few non-Australians will read the entries for every plant, all can enjoy, and learn from, the illustrations with which this informative book is so well endowed." -- The Naturalist, Summer 2004.

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