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By Force Of Arms : Revolution at sea - James L Nelson

By Force Of Arms

By: James L Nelson

Paperback | 3 February 2003

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This title is the first in the enthralling Revolution at Sea series. .

As the War of Independence begins in earnest, American merchant seamen prepare to strike the first blows. None strikes more deftly than Isaac Biddlecomb, captain of the Judea, whose smuggling activities are making a mockery of His Majesty's Royal Navy.

Pursued by the HMS Rose, he sacrifices the ship he loved to the depths, together with the fortune he stood to gain, rather than surrender. On the run from the enraged forces of King George, Isaac disguises himself as a merchant seaman. He is reunited with Ezra Rumstick, a comrade and fierce rebel, as the revolution gathers momentum.

On a brig bound for Jamaica, and now serving as a lowly mate, fate tests Isaac's mettle as he is captured by the enemy and faces a life of servitude under the deranged captain and sadistic crew of the HMS Icarus...

About the Author

James Nelson has served as a seaman, rigger, boatswain and officer on a number of sailing vessels. The author of several seafaring adventures, he lives on the coast of Maine with his wife and children.
Industry Reviews
"'Authenticity runs throughout the book, carrying total conviction'" -- Patrick O'Brian "'First rate action writing'" Publishers Weekly "'Nelson writes with the eagerness of a young man sailing his first command'" -- Patrick O'Brian

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