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Chaos Space: The Sentients of Orion Book Two : The Sentients of Orion Book Two - Marianne de Pierres

Chaos Space: The Sentients of Orion Book Two

The Sentients of Orion Book Two

By: Marianne de Pierres

Paperback | 1 November 2008 | Edition Number 1

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The second instalment in a compelling new space opera series from the acclaimed Australian author of the Parrish Plessis books.

Having fled the invasion on Araldis, Mira Fedor travels to the nearest Orion League planet seeking aid for her devastated world, but the authorities seem more interested in stealing her bio-ship, Insignia, than in rendering help. While Mira flees from world to world, Araldis burns.

The more Mira uncovers, the more mysteries she finds: why is the initiate Tekton taking such extreme measures just to acquire a mineral alloy Why do so many of the protagonists in this galaxy-wide drama have links to the Stain Wars

And what part does the Sole Entity - literally, God - have to play . . .

About the Authors

Marianne de Pierres is the author of the acclaimed Parrish Plessis and Sentients of Orion science fiction series. The Parrish Plessis series has been translated into eight languages and adapted into a roleplaying game. Marianne is an active supporter of genre fiction and has mentored many writers. She lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, three sons and three galahs.
Industry Reviews
'Space opera supreme' - SYDNEY MORNING HERALD

De Pierres provides a strong feminist perspective in another ambitious Australian SF novel. - The Australian

This is serious modern space opera, grappling with big themes and painting on a broad canvas with a great eye for detail . . . readers who hunger for perceptive, intelligent and unflinching literary science fiction should seek this book out as soon as possible - HUB

A complex and exciting novel . . . deftly handles the aspects of bringing characters to life that elude so many space opera writers . . . intelligent and exciting' - SCALPEL MAGAZINE

sit back and simply allow yourself to be carried along for the ride - Strange Horizons

Sentients of Orion

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