Christophe's Story - Nicki Cornwell

Christophe's Story

By: Nicki Cornwell, Karin Littlewood (Illustrator)

Paperback | 3 November 2011

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This is the story of a young Rwandan refugee now living in the UK. Christophe is having trouble getting used to his new school, new language and new life. Life has been very lonely for him. Most of all he misses his grandfather who they had to leave behind. His teacher persuades Christophe to share his story with his classmates - so he tells them of the terrifying day the soldiers came to his house and killed his baby brother. The spoken story fills the air and his classmates are spellbound. But when his teacher asks him to write it down and read it out in assembly, Christophe is horrified. You lose the fire from a story once you write it down! But with the help of his new friends, his family and the memory of his beloved grandfather, Christophe finds a way to break through the barriers - and share his story with everyone.

Industry Reviews

accessible, fast-moving and instantly engaging.

This book cleverly dissects the effects of war from a child's perspective, depicting the violence and horror in an innocent and heartbreaking way.

accessible, fast-moving and instantly engaging.

This book cleverly dissects the effects of war from a child's perspective, depicting the violence and horror in an innocent and heartbreaking way.

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