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Connected : The Sustainable Landscapes of Phillip Johnson - Phillip Johnson


The Sustainable Landscapes of Phillip Johnson

By: Phillip Johnson

Hardcover | 1 November 2014

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Australian landscape designer Phillip Johnson became an international household name after winning Best in Show at the Royal Horticultural Society's Chelsea Flower and Garden Show in 2013 - the equivalent of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.

This book explores Phillip's philosophy of connecting with nature in a sustainable way. Connected focuses on his key passions, including integrated sustainable water management and the creation of natural, chemical-free pools; recreation of thriving habitats for indigenous plants and animals; and the thoughtful connection of the landscape to the home.

Illustrated with lavish photography, garden plans and practical water-flow diagrams for each garden featured, Connected tells the stories behind the commissioning, design and execution of 19 gardens designed by Phillip (with insights from their owners). The showcased gardens range from small suburban to large rural spaces, and include the author's own home garden 'laboratory'. Phillip's account of the design and construction of his award-winning garden at Chelsea is also featured.

About the Author

Landscape architecture is part of Phillip Johnson's DNA: he designed his first garden at the age of five. He completed his Applied Science degree in Horticulture at the University of Melbourne and immediately started his own landscape and design business. He now leads one of the most awarded landscape design firms in the industry. Phillip has been 'recreating habitat' for more than 19 years, developing more than 500 residential and commercial gardens.

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