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Crash Deluxe : Parrish Plessis Book Three - Marianne de Pierres

Crash Deluxe

Parrish Plessis Book Three

By: Marianne de Pierres

Paperback | 29 August 2005 | Edition Number 1

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Parrish Plessis, sometime coup leader, paid assassin and ex-bodyguard, is finding life tough. Betrayed by the enigmatic Loyl Daac, and still under blood debt to the deadly Cabal Coomera, Parrish is trying to hold together the little empire she's inherited in the Tert, live up to the expectations of the many strays and waifs she's accumulated, and attempt to flush the high-tech parasite from her system before she becomes something so much less than human.

Not an ideal lifestyle, Parrish would be the first to admit, but she can make everything alright again if she can manage just one little task. Bring down the media.

Just another day for Parrish Plessis ...

Industry Reviews
A kick-ass girl surviving in an ultra-violent world run by the media... This is a character driven series that should gather a strong following in much the same way as Anita Blake - THE BOOKSELLER

A compelling mix of MAD MAX and James Cameron's DARK ANGEL - THE AGE

A fevered romp full of colourful characters - BSFA VECTOR

Excellent crime noir - THE GUARDIAN

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