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Credit Card Stress Busters : How To Pay Off Your Credit Card Quick Smart : Slash Your Credit Card Debt in 90 Days! - Allison Tait

Credit Card Stress Busters : How To Pay Off Your Credit Card Quick Smart

Slash Your Credit Card Debt in 90 Days!

By: Allison Tait

Paperback | 9 February 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Credit Card Stress Busters shows readers how to slash their credit card debt in just 90 days. Author Allison Tait uses a simple question-and-answer format that provides readers with comprehensive information on everything from choosing the right credit card through to budgeting effectively, reducing debt quickly and living credit-free.

Provides practical tools for slashing any amount of debt in 90 days. Gives information on how to choose the right card for you. Shares some of the best-kept secrets about using your card responsibly. Accessibly written in a simple question-and-answer format with action plans and stress busting secrets.

About the Author

Allison Tait specialises in writing about personal finance issues for Ninemsn Money and MSN NZ Money. She has more than 20 years experience as a journalist across a wide range of publications, including The Sydney Morning Herald, Madison and House Garden magazine.

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