Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia : Cases and Commentary, 7th Edition - Eric Colvin

Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia

Cases and Commentary, 7th Edition

By: Eric Colvin, John McKechnie, Jodie O’Leary

Paperback | 10 October 2014 | Edition Number 7

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Eric Colvin, John McKechnie and Jodie O’Leary's Criminal Law in Queensland and Western Australia: Cases and Materials 7th edition covers the Criminal Codes of Queensland and Western Australia and other significant state and Commonwealth legislation together with related decisions of the courts.

Although primarily designed for university law students, it will also provide a convenient aid for legal practitioners. This edition provides updated references in most chapters in light of amendments to legislation and recent case law.

Specifically it incorporates discussion of and/or extracts of such recent High Court decisions as Patel (on manslaughter by criminal negligence), Moti (on abuse of process), James (on alternative verdicts) and Barbaro and Bugmy (on sentencing); decisions of the Western Australia Court of Appeal, such as Goodwyn (on self-defence) and Weggers (on attempts); and of the Queensland Court of Appeal, such as Playford (on discretionary exclusion of confessions) and Brown (on judicial independence). It also expands the analysis of areas such as committals, bail and fitness to plead.

  • A unique and current approach on the criminal law of Queensland and Western Australia
  • Clear and succinct analysis of the relevant cases
  • This book receives excellent feedback from the market, as for example ‘excellent coverage of ‘Procedures’’
About the Author

Eric Colvin is Professor of Law at University of the South Pacific and Emeritus Professor at Bond University.

John McKechnie is the senior judge in the general division of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. He is an adjunct professor at Murdoch University.

Jodie O’Leary is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at Bond University.

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