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Crystal Venom : A Fury of Aces Series : Book 2 - Steve Wheeler

Crystal Venom

A Fury of Aces Series : Book 2

By: Steve Wheeler

Paperback | 1 September 2013

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The second book in the Fury of Aces series and sequel to the action-packed BURNT ICE. Move over Star Wars! This is a superb space opera ... humans and hybrids and strange new creatures fighting for survival on Earth and across the galaxies ...

A superb space adventure from a fresh new voice. This is the second book in the Fury of Aces series and follows on from the action-packed BURNT ICE. In our future worlds the Administration rules the Sphere of Humankind, the Games Board sanctions and funds wars and conflicts, and the Haulers’ Collective roams the space routes like the caravanners of old. Political factions and galactic media moguls vie for power ... and money.

About the Author

Steve Wheeler was given the option at age eighteen of either becoming a Catholic Priest or a Policeman - he chose the latter. He has served in the military and, since 1987, has worked as a successful bronze sculptor, knife -- and swordsmith. He lives with his wife, Elizabeth and their two children, Luke and Charlotte, plus numerous animals, on their 20-acre lifestyle block in Hawkes Bay.

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