Cued Articulation : Consonants posters - Jane Passy

Cued Articulation

Consonants posters

By: Jane Passy

Poster or Chart | 1 September 2010

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Cued Articulation combines consonants, vowels, colour coding and demonstrative images.

The Cued Articulation system was originally devised to help severely speech and language handicapped children to see a sound and hear a letter by the use of easy and logical hand cues.

Its potential and practicality is widespread and utilised by:

  • speech pathologists, speech and language therapists and remedial and reading recovery teachers who find the approach helpful in showing phoneme-grapheme relationships
  • primary teachers who use it in the classroom to teach children the sounds of speech
  • teachers who teach the pronunciation of English as a second language to those learning English
  • teachers of the hearing impaired who want their students to see the sounds they cannot hear.

Also available to compliment the book are the instructional, interactive DVD, which includes demonstrations of the cues and sounds; full colour posters of the visual signals for both consonants and vowels; and a set of full colour cards demonstrating each of the cues.

A Cued Articulation app for iPad is available for purchase on the App Store. An Android version is available for purchase on Google Play.
Training in using the Cued Articulation system is available through Sounds for Literacy and Course Beetle.

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