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Dark Space: The Sentients of Orion Book One : The Sentients of Orion Book One - Marianne de Pierres

Dark Space: The Sentients of Orion Book One

The Sentients of Orion Book One

By: Marianne de Pierres

Paperback | 1 November 2008 | Edition Number 1

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A compelling new Space Opera series from the acclaimed Australian author of the Parrish Plessis books

While drifting in space, lost, due to navigational failure, a mineral scout discovers God. When word gets out, academics from the studiums across Orion scramble to gain the Entity's favour. However, not all the sentients of Orion hold this 'god' in awe - some, like the philosophers of Scolar and the Transhuman's of Extropy are deeply suspicious.

Onto the grand stage of inter-planetary academic politics, intellectual conceit and dubious theology walks Baronessa Mira Fedor. Her planet has been torn apart by the invasion of a race of giant tardigrades. Only the Orion League of Sentient Species can lend aid, but OLOSS are preoccupied with communicating with god. Mira, together with the larrikin, misogynist Jo-Jo Rasterovich, is left to her own resources to find help. In doing so she unmasks a galaxy-size intrigue.

But will she live long enough to tell anyone...?

About the Author

Marianne de Pierres is the author of the acclaimed Parrish Plessis and Sentients of Orion science fiction series. The Parrish Plessis series has been translated into eight languages and adapted into a roleplaying game. Marianne is an active supporter of genre fiction and has mentored many writers. She lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, three sons and three galahs.
Industry Reviews
DARK SPACE lacks focus, but the colourful characters and sense of scale suggest that the series could develop into something special - TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT

Dark Space is a rich and vigorous adventure and a promising first instalment - THE AUSTRALIAN

A complex and exciting novel, almost devoid of cheap sentiment and comfortable vindication. It s not a cheerful read, but it is a very rewarding one . . . de Pierres willingness to display the imperfections of her characters is a large part of the appeal of Dark Space; she deftly handles the aspects of bringing characters to life that elude so many space opera writers, simply by making them genuinely human - with all the contradictory drives and motives that implies . . . While a deeply political book, Dark Space is also a very engaging one - the fine characterisation and subtle writing make for a novel which is both exciting and thought-provoking at once . . . It s always a joy to find intelligent and exciting space opera; to find it being written by a woman unafraid to bring her own perspective to a traditionally masculine genre, doubly so. - SCALPEL MAGAZINE

Dark Space is an exciting adventure with plenty going on to keep you turning the pages. The story is primed to enter uncharted territory at the end of Book One. Marianne has a knack for creating compelling characters in complex realities the Parish Plessis novels showed us that so this is one to watch as it develops through the next volumes. - AUREALIS

Reading a Marianne de Pierres novel is almost like immersing yourself in a brilliantly detailed film - you find yourself engrossed in not only the plot and characterization, but in the highly visual nature of the story . . . In Dark Space, Marianne de Pierres has drawn a vast cast of characters, but the skill with which she has done so, providing them with depth and breadth without verbosity, and the fascinating relationships she has created between them, mean the reader can be drawn deeply into the world, surfacing only now and then to take a deep breath, then dive right back in. I can't wait for the next instalment! - ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS INFLIGHT MAGAZINE

This is serious modern space opera, grappling with big themes and painting on a broad canvas with a great eye for detail . . . readers who hunger for perceptive, intelligent and unflinching literary science fiction should seek this book out as soon as possible. If the sequels to Dark Space live up to the promise of this opening salvo, de Pierres will become a serious challenge to the big boys of the genre. - HUB

Space opera supreme - SYDNEY MORNING HERALD

Sentients of Orion

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