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Dinosaur Train : My Library : 4 Book Slipcase

Dinosaur Train : My Library

4 Book Slipcase

Hardcover | 1 February 2016

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Buddy finds out how stegosauruses stay cool, Tiny learns about family, Don can't keep a secret and Mum gets a day off!

Titles: Beating the Heat; Buddy's Playdate; A Surprise for Mum!; Call of the Wild Corythosaurus.

Kids discover something new in each story, whether it's a life lesson or a scientific fact. The Dinosaur Train characters help kids role play social challenges in a fun and safe environment.This gorgeous slipcase features brand new stories!

Dinosaur Train combines two things that pre-schoolers love - dinosaurs and trains! T-rex, Buddy, and his Pteranodon siblings take kids on a journey of discovery - testing out their hypotheses and uncovering facts about life-science, natural history and paleontology. This brand is supported by a popular TV show, a website full of games and extra content, a terrific toy line and live shows (coming soon to a shopping centre near you!).

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