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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency : Dirk Gently - Douglas Adams

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

By: Douglas Adams

Paperback | 1 June 1988 | Edition Number 1

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There is a long tradition of Great Detectives, and Dirk Gently does not belong to it. But his search for a missing cat uncovers a ghost, a time traveller, AND the devastating secret of humankind! Detective Gently's bill for saving the human race from extinction: NO CHARGE.

About the Author

Douglas Adams was born in 1952 and created The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy phenomenon: radio, novels, TV, computer game, stage adaptation, comic book and bath towel. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was published in 1979 and has been a huge success story. His series has sold over 15 million books in the UK, the US and Australia and was also a best seller in German, Swedish and many other languages. Douglas lived with his wife and daughter in California, where he died suddenly in 2001.

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