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Down to Earth : A Guide to Simple Living - Rhonda Hetzel

Down to Earth

A Guide to Simple Living

By: Rhonda Hetzel

Hardcover | 1 February 2012 | Edition Number 1

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'I was pulled into simple living before I knew what it was. It crept up on me using the smallest of steps and didn't reveal its true beauty and real power until I was totally hooked. I was searching for a way to live well while spending very little money. What I found was a way of life that also gave me independence, opportunity and freedom.'

Rhonda Hetzel gently encourages readers to find the pleasure and meaning in a simpler life, sharing all the practical information she has gathered on her own journey. Whether you want to learn how to grow tomatoes, bake bread, make your own soap and preserve fruit, or just be inspired to slow down and live more sustainably, Down to Earth will be your guide.

About the Author

Rhonda Hetzel is a retired journalist and technical writer best known for her award-winning blog, 'Down to Earth'. Rhonda lives with her husband, Hanno, on the Sunshine Coast, where they happily tend a food garden, gather eggs and occasionally look after grandchildren. Rhonda is a keen volunteer worker and is often found presenting simple-living workshops in her community.

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