"This book is the reason I do not read. Also, I can never find my glasses."
--Jerry Atric
"Dense prose from an equally dense author. Addictively ignorable."
--Lord Gordon Ramshorn
"Excruciating. No one can make a long story longer than Gillian Fetlocks."
--Walter Wallcarpeting, English Critical Study and Care Unit
"Bursting with mediocrity."
--"Unbearable and Pretentious Monthly"
"In the perfect world, Fetlocks' execution of this volume would lead directly to Fetlocks' actual execution."
--"Her Majesties' Review of Tasteful Books"
"A throwback to UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS... a crackling examination of the Edwardian economic divide, and a peek behind closed doors at the differences and similarities between the aristocracy and servant classes, and... well, let's just say it's a lot like UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. I mean, it really is."
--Dorothy Kernels Woodwind, author of "I'm Much Smarter Than You And Always Will Be--So There!"
"Weak entertainment."
"--Entertaining Weakly"
" "
This book is the reason I do not read. Also, I can never find my glasses. "Jerry Atric"
Dense prose from an equally dense author. Addictively ignorable. "Lord Gordon Ramshorn"
Excruciating. No one can make a long story longer than Gillian Fetlocks. "Walter Wallcarpeting, English Critical Study and Care Unit"
Bursting with mediocrity. "Unbearable and Pretentious Monthly"
In the perfect world, Fetlocks' execution of this volume would lead directly to Fetlocks' actual execution. "Her Majesties Review of Tasteful Books"
A throwback to UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS a crackling examination of the Edwardian economic divide, and a peek behind closed doors at the differences and similarities between the aristocracy and servant classes, and well, let's just say it's a lot like UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. I mean, it really is. Dorothy Kernels Woodwind, author of I'm Much Smarter Than You And Always Will Be - So There!
Weak entertainment. "Entertaining Weakly""
-This book is the reason I do not read. Also, I can never find my glasses.- --Jerry Atric
-Dense prose from an equally dense author. Addictively ignorable.- --Lord Gordon Ramshorn
-Excruciating. No one can make a long story longer than Gillian Fetlocks.- --Walter Wallcarpeting, English Critical Study and Care Unit
-Bursting with mediocrity.- --Unbearable and Pretentious Monthly
-In the perfect world, Fetlocks' execution of this volume would lead directly to Fetlocks' actual execution.- --Her Majesties' Review of Tasteful Books
-A throwback to UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS... a crackling examination of the Edwardian economic divide, and a peek behind closed doors at the differences and similarities between the aristocracy and servant classes, and... well, let's just say it's a lot like UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. I mean, it really is.- --Dorothy Kernels Woodwind, author of I'm Much Smarter Than You And Always Will Be - So There!
-Weak entertainment.- --Entertaining Weakly
"This book is the reason I do not read. Also, I can never find my glasses." --Jerry Atric
"Dense prose from an equally dense author. Addictively ignorable." --Lord Gordon Ramshorn
"Excruciating. No one can make a long story longer than Gillian Fetlocks." --Walter Wallcarpeting, English Critical Study and Care Unit
"Bursting with mediocrity." --Unbearable and Pretentious Monthly
"In the perfect world, Fetlocks' execution of this volume would lead directly to Fetlocks' actual execution." --Her Majesties' Review of Tasteful Books
"A throwback to UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS... a crackling examination of the Edwardian economic divide, and a peek behind closed doors at the differences and similarities between the aristocracy and servant classes, and... well, let's just say it's a lot like UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS. I mean, it really is." --Dorothy Kernels Woodwind, author of I'm Much Smarter Than You And Always Will Be - So There!
"Weak entertainment." --Entertaining Weakly