Dreamworks Home Deluxe Colouring & Puzzle Book : Ideal for felt-tip pens! - DreamWorks
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Dreamworks Home Deluxe Colouring & Puzzle Book

Ideal for felt-tip pens!

By: DreamWorks (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 March 2015

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Join in the adventure as Tip and Oh race to save Earth … and each other! The Home Deluxe Colouring & Puzzle Book ensures heaps of Boovian fun for every Home fan!

The Boov are searching for a new planet to call home. They find the perfect planet in the middle of nowhere - Earth! The Boov kindly relocate all the humans to Happy Humanstown, and then proceed to completely rearrange the planet! By accidentally telling the Boov's worst enemy where they are, Oh becomes the number one Boov fugitive. Oh meets Tip, the only human left in Boston, and their hilarious journey to friendship begins.

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