Drills & Skills in Australian Football  : AFL -  Aussie Rules Football Skills Manual - David Wheadon

Drills & Skills in Australian Football

AFL - Aussie Rules Football Skills Manual

By: David Wheadon

Paperback | 1 December 2008

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In Drills & Skills in Australian Football, David Wheadon presents a comprehensive selection of drills and practices that relate to the key aspects of the modern game. With 176 specific drills, it is an extremely valuable resource that can assist coaches at all levels to plan and conduct effective training sessions.

The most common question asked by coaches is “Do you have any drills you can send?” or “What are the latest drills used in the AFL?” While there are many sources of drills and practice activities, in Drills & Skills in Australian Football David Wheadon presents a comprehensive selection of drills and practices that relate to the key aspects of the modern game. The book contains 176 specific drills, which range from very simple to complex practices that will challenge elite players, and which are categorised into different areas of the game.

David has more than two decades’ experience as an assistant coach at AFL clubs, filling numerous specialist roles, generally in skill development. Over that time he has used his outstanding abilities as an analyst and teacher to devise and conduct hundreds of drills and practice activities that develop players’ skills.

Drills & Skills in Australian Football is a reflection of that knowledge and experience and is an extremely valuable resource that can assist coaches at all levels to plan and conduct effective training sessions.

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