Deadly 60 : South Africa & Australia - Series 1: Volume 1 - Steve Backshall

Deadly 60

South Africa & Australia - Series 1: Volume 1

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Travelling across six continents, Steve Backshall searches through trees, deserts, swamps and seas in a bid to find the 60 deadliest creatures on Earth.

In South Africa, Steve encounters everything from the hippopotamus - the friendly looking animal that kills more humans than any other in South Africa to a black mamba, giant spiders, great white sharks and Africa's most elusive large predator, the hunting dog.

In Australia, home to some of the deadliest creatures on Earth, Steve is on the hunt for everything from Red Back Spiders, Tiger snakes, bottlenose dolphins, the highly secretive duck billed platypus, to the chameleons of the sea - giant cuttlefish and salt-water crocodiles, plus many more lethal creatures.

From the infamous to the unexpected, this deadly global adventure reveals that size is of no importance while the battle for survival is key.

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