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Leslie Sansone : Just Walk - 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk - Leslie Sansone

Leslie Sansone

Just Walk - 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk

Featuring: Leslie Sansone

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Boost your energy. Slim the body. Take a walk for weight loss at home!

3 Miles in 45 minutes is a real multi-muscle mega calorie burn. You can power walk at home! Fun music thats paced perfectly to keep you walking at just the right fat burning speed! Youll condition the legs, flatten the tummy and tone the arms all while you walk at home.

Its your choice to boost the walk by adding your own hand weights. Some of the walkers use weights, some just walk, walk, walk! End this energetic workout with a relaxing stretch for legs, back and core!

DVD workout includes

Mile 1 15 minutes of non-stop muscle moving steps to get you started Mile 2 12 minutes of speed walking Mile 3 15 minutes to continue blasting calories as you burn body fat This walk ends with a feel good flexibility exercise. Stretch the muscles, move the joints in a full range of motion the perfect ending to a 3 mile Weight Loss Walk!

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