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Leslie Sansone : Just Walk - Walk Your Belly Flat - Leslie Sansone

Leslie Sansone

Just Walk - Walk Your Belly Flat

Featuring: Leslie Sansone

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This 3 mile walk is the best way to get the belly flat.

Burning Calories will always be the sure way to reduce all areas of the body, especially stubborn belly fat! After torching all those calories join Leslie for a short session on the floor that includes the all-time best move to super-sculpt the belly - rated the number one for muscle engagement.

All of our great features of Walk at Home Workouts are in this programme!

Gentle warm up walk Brisk 4 and 4 mile per hour pace Mile markers allow you to choose 1, 2 or 3 miles! Multi-muscle movements and compound exercises to give you a bigger calorie burn! Easy cool down walk Stretch for a healthy end to your walk All new The Walk Clock

Workout includes:

3 Mile Walk: 43 minutes Belly Sculpt and stretch: 10 minutes Total running time: 53 minutes

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