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Madeline And The Toy Factory : Madeline

Madeline And The Toy Factory


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From the imaginative stories by Ludwig Bemelmans comes one of the most beloved characters in children's literature. Brimmed hat, pinafore and white gloves; her name is Madeline and these are some of her many spirited adventures.

Madeline and the New House :

The old house is condemned, forcing the girls to move into a tiny apartment. Here the neighbours frown upon the girls and their canine companion and make them feel unwelcome. So Madeline decides to get help from the ladies of the Historical Society and renovate the old house before it is gone forever.

Madeline and the Soccer Star :

Madeline is joined by her country cousin Andre and discovers that he not only has talents in the garden patch, but he also displays considerable skills on the soccer field, helping out with the big soccer match.

Madeline and the Toy Factory :

The excitement of visiting a toy factory is short lived when Madeline becomes caught up in the machinery, mistakenly boxed-up as a doll and sold to a girl. Madeline reveals her identity to the girl who is most upset at the prospect of losing such a delightful friend. But Madeline has an idea that will cheer her up.

Total Running Time : 68 Minutes

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