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Making Couples Happy - David Wenham

Making Couples Happy

Featuring: David Wenham

Directed By: Kalita Corrigan

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What are the secrets to a happy relationship, great sex; never arguing; keeping peace with the in-laws? With one in three Australian marriages ending in divorce, finding the answers is more urgent than ever.

The hit ABC1 TV series, Making Australia Happy, proved that science can make individuals happy in just two months. Now, Making Couples Happy is raising the stakes. Can it also work for relationships?

During the course of this series, four ordinary couples are pushed to their emotional limits - and beyond. As long buried resentments come to the surface, and entrenched behaviours are challenged, will the couples succeed in their goal of a happier relationship, or will some decide that true happiness lies apart from one another?

Backed by experts in the study of relationship psychology, Making Couples Happy offers valuable, take-home information for viewers, which will allow every Australian to improve the happiness of their relationship.

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