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Pitch Black / The Chronicles of Riddick / Dark Fury

Pitch Black / The Chronicles of Riddick / Dark Fury

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Pitch Black: Experience the psychological terror when a group of marooned passengers must face a pack of terrifying creatures whose only weakness is the light. With little power and dwindling numbers, the doomed passengers turn to a vicious convict (Vin Diesel) with an appetite for destruction and eerie eyes that can guide them through the darkness.

Chronicles Of Riddick: Vin Diesel reprises his star making Pitch Black role of enigmatic anti hero Richard B. Riddick who has spent the last five years on the move among the forgotten worlds on the outskirts of the galaxy, eluding mercenaries bent on collecting the price on his head. Now, the fugitive finds himself on planet Helion, home to a progressive multicultural society that has been invaded by the Lord Marshal, a despot who targets humans for subjugation with his army of warriors known as Necromongers. Exiled to a subterranean prison where extremes of temperature range from arctic nights to volcanic days, Riddick encounters Kyra, the lone survivor from an earlier chapter in his life. His efforts to free himself and Kyra lead him to the Necromonger command ship, where he is pitted against the Lord Marshal in an apocalyptic battle with possibly the fate of all beings both living and dead hanging in the balance.

Dark Fury: Extend the Pitch Black experience with this all new, visionary animated film that bridges the stories of Pitch Black and The Chronicles Of Riddick. Starring Vin Diesel as the voice and likness of Riddick and created by Peter Chung (Aeon Flux, The Animatrix), one of the world's most revered animators.

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