Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares : The Complete Collection - Gordon Ramsay

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

The Complete Collection

Featuring: Gordon Ramsay

Directed By: Various

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You're a restaurant owner in crisis, the wolves are at the door, but the punters aren't. You've got temperamental chefs in the kitchen, lazy waiting staff and the diners you have aren't satisfied.

Desperate for restaurant resuscitation. Call in the restaurant trades equivalent of the Emergency Services the inimitable, indomitable Gordon Ramsay.

Each week in Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, a struggling restaurant receives the Gordon Ramsay treatment. If the wine waiters' service isn't up to scratch, he'l be out of the door before they can say Chardonnay.

If the Head Chef doesn't match up to Gordons expectations, then he'll be dispatched with the next order.

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares is a unique combination of practical insight and compelling entertainment. Gordon Ramsay is a Scottish born UK chef made famous by his outstandingly original meals, and his Award winning cook books. Ramsay has won Restaurant of the Year many times as he has restaurants in UK, USA, Japan and Dubai. Rancid food, arrogant head chefs, and dangerously dirty kitchens... these are just some of the horrors that await celebrated chef, Gordon Ramsay, in Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares Complete Collection. Famous for his explosive personality, fiery temper, and colourful language, Gordon attempts to save restaurants across the UK from financial ruin. With his passion for food and infamous lack of patience with sloppy standards in the kitchen, he spares no one in his pursuit of restaurant excellence. Contains Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares Series One to Four and a Bonus 2 DVD Collection of 'revisited' episodes.

Total Running Time: 24 Hours 10 minutes - 8 DVDs.

Gordon Ramsay.

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