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The Gambler : The Legend Continues  - Linda Gray

The Gambler

The Legend Continues

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Inspired by Kenny Rogers' Grammy Award-winning song written by Don Schlitz, The Gambler established a Country and Western legend, laying strong foundations for one of the most successful and longest-running TV miniseries in television history.

Brady Hawkes (Kenny Rogers) and his hot-shot cohort Billy Montana (Bruce Boxleitner) are drawn into a controversial conflict between the Sioux Nation and the corrupt US cavalry, uncovering a despicable legacy of government subterfuge and exploitation.

Enlisting the help of schoolteacher Mary Collins (Linda Gray), the intrepid adventurers get to the bottom of a conspiracy that has deprived the Sioux people of their precious supplies, causing tempers to flare beyond repair. Bringing attention to all manner of suspicious dealings and illegal schemes, Hawkes and Montana face one of their greatest challenges ever - squeezed between the well-armed US cavalry and the fiery Sioux people.

Total Running time : 180 Minutes

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