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Game Of Mates : How favours bleed the nation - Cameron Murray

Game Of Mates

How favours bleed the nation

By: Cameron Murray, Paul Frijters

eBook | 5 April 2017 | Edition Number 1

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James is our most mundane villain. His victim is Bruce, our typical Aussie, who bleeds from the hip pocket because of James' actions. Game of Mates tells a tale of economic theft across major sectors of Australia's economy, showing how James and his group of well-connected Mates siphon off billions from the economy to line their own pockets. In property, mining, transport, banking, superannuation, and many more sectors, James and his Mates cooperate to steal huge chunks of the economic pie for themselves. If you want to know how much this costs the nation, how it is done, and what we can do about it, Game of Mates is the book for you.

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