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Willow : Secret Confessions : Sydney Housewives - Christina Phillips


Secret Confessions : Sydney Housewives

By: Christina Phillips

eBook | 1 February 2015 | Edition Number 1

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From the hottest writers in Australia comes a scintillating new series. Enter the world of Sydney's elite, and find out what goes on behind the doors of the most exclusive addresses in the country...

Meet the Housewives of Sydney. They are wealthy, elegant, poised, and constantly in the public eye. But what goes on behind closed doors, in the private homes and parties where the cameras and paparazzi aren't welcome? Delve into the most personal details of their relationships, their friendships and their lives. The only question is: can you handle the heat?

Willow has loved Seb for as long as she can remember, but he has a past that she can't handle, so she's never done anything about it. But to not have him in her life is unthinkable, so  she holds on to him the only way she can - through friendship. Now his writing career is taking off, and Willow finds herself increasingly jealous of his groupies and increasingly unable to keep her feelings to herself.

An unexpected visit leads to an unanticipated kiss - and Seb and Willow end up in her bed. It's the best thing that's ever happened to Willow, but can she trust that Seb wants more than a bit of afternoon delight - and can she trust herself to let go of the past in order to gain a future?


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