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The Guilt-Free Guidebook for Moms : Releasing the Death-grip on Guilt to Fully Embrace Joy - Amy Price

The Guilt-Free Guidebook for Moms

Releasing the Death-grip on Guilt to Fully Embrace Joy

By: Amy Price

eBook | 28 April 2015 | Edition Number 1

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Written by a veteran mother of nine still up to her eyeballs in mud pies and mayhem, The Guilt-Free Guidebook for Moms is sure to keep you tickled, tearing up and turning pages as you learn how to break free of the chokehold of an endless To-Do list, so you can finally enjoy the beauty that is all around you.

Brimming with baby steps, The Guilt-Free Guidebook for Moms will help you:

? Eliminate guilt and perfectionism ? Identify the "Superwoman Burnout" cycle that keeps you trapped in monotony ? Escape the "Compare Snare" to shine in your own light ? Finally and fully embrace the Joy cradled in your arms and in your heart.

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