English 365 for Work and Life : Cambridge Professional English : Student's Book 2 - Bob Dignen

English 365 for Work and Life

Cambridge Professional English : Student's Book 2

By: Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders, Simon Sweeney

Paperback | 1 January 2008 | Edition Number 2

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English365 is a Business and general English course. It is for learners who want to develop their English skills for their work, social and travel needs, and therefore reflects the work-life balance of busy working adults. It is particularly suitable for students who have studied English in the past but need a new course to refresh, consolidate and practise their existing English as well as learn new language. The Student's Books contain 30 units, each of which provides at least 90 minutes of classroom teaching material; two revision units; a grammar reference section and a full answer key and transcripts of the recordings. The Teacher's Books contain detailed notes for each lesson as well as 30 extra classroom activities and 10 learner training activities. The Personal Study Books with Audio CD contains self-study exercises for every unit, including listening exercises and pronunciation practice.

Cambridge English Language - Reading, Writing, Grammar, Listening

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