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Esther Deans No-Dig Gardening & Leaves of Life - Esther Dean

Esther Deans No-Dig Gardening & Leaves of Life

By: Esther Dean

Paperback | 1 January 2002

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Esther Deans' Growing Without Digging and Leaves of Life inspired thousands of people to try their hand at growing their own vegetables and flowers at home. Now these two garden classics are available in a combined mini-paperback format with all the wonderful tips and advice from the first two editions.

Esther Deans' method of growing vegetables and flowers without digging produces results - as those who have been to see her own garden will testify. Flowers and vegetables grow side by side, as if nature had scattered the seeds on the ground and plants had simply sprung up from where they fell.

Now readers have the chance to learn all about Esther's techniques - about her straw garden; about comfrey, the miracle herb and cannibal snails; and about the many creatures which carry fragrance from flower to vegetable across the garden. Those who are not gardeners will be inspired to try it; those who are gardeners will want to explore Esther's wonderful methods.

About the Author

Esther Dean, an Australian gardener and author, pioneered no dig gardening. Dean wrote the books No-Dig Gardening & Leaves of Life. She was still actively gardening at age 86 and promoted gardens for those with special needs. She inspired many famous gardeners including Bill Mollison of the Permaculture Movement although she said "it is not quite how I would do it", implying she did not allow nature to take over, but retained formality with strict garden edges and more annuals

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