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Fatloss For Good : The Secret Weapon - Tiffiny Hall

Fatloss For Good

The Secret Weapon

By: Tiffiny Hall

Paperback | 1 March 2012 | Edition Number 1

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Fatloss Forever is the new book from Biggest Loser trainer Tiffiny Hall, who led her contestant Emma Duncan to victory in the 2010 season.

In this book Tiffiny answers the question everyone wants to know. What is the secret to weightloss and how can you maintain your ideal weight forever? This book shares the latest research, recipes, tips, strategies and inspiration for how to win the fatloss battle in the real world - whether at home, school, work or in your community. This book will help you achieve the body you'll love! Tiffiny will again be a trainer on The Biggest Loser next year!

About the Author

Tiffiny is a fifth Dan black belt Taekwondo instructor and trainer on The Biggest Loser. She has previously had a 'health ninja' segment on The Circle, was 'Angel' on Gladiators, and has written a weekly column for Herald Sun. Her book Weightloss Warrior has been a great success.

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