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Feelings 10th Aniversary Collection Slipcase : 10th Aniversary Collection 8 Book Set - Trace Moroney

Feelings 10th Aniversary Collection Slipcase

10th Aniversary Collection 8 Book Set

By: Trace Moroney

Hardcover | 1 October 2014

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Popular author/illustrator, Trace Moroney, has been sharing her message about Feelings for 10 YEARS now. To mark this occasion The Five Mile Press is releasing the Trace Moroney Feelings 10 Year Anniversary Edition slipcase.

The slipcase contains 8 books, including When I'm Feeling Kind, When I'm Feeling Jealous, When I'm Feeling Lonely, When I'm Feeling Angry, When I'm Feeling Sad, When I'm Feeling Loved, When I'm Feeling Happy and When I'm Feeling Scared.
Industry Reviews
'I [would] like to recommend to you the best children emotion books that my kids and I have ever read... this wonderful series of books written by Trace Moroney.' Pickabook-ka-boo

'These led to probably the best conversations we have had about emotions... They all have a positive slant to them and help make the child they are not alone with their worries.' The Adoption Social

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When I'm Feeling Kind : Feelings - Trace Moroney
When I'm Feeling Happy : Feelings - Trace Moroney
When I'm Feeling Kind - Trace Moroney


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