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Figgy and the President : Figgy - Tamsin Janu

Figgy and the President

By: Tamsin Janu

Paperback | 1 May 2016 | Edition Number 1

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Figgy and Nana love to talk about their future. Nana wants to be President of Ghana. Deciding on a career isn't as easy for Figgy, but then she lands the role of a lifetime as an actress in a film. When Figgys Mama shows up, sick and expecting a baby, and Nanas father takes him away, Figgy has more important things to think about and some growing up to do.

About the Author

Tamsin Janu is the debut author who is taking Australian children’s literary shortlists by storm with Figgy in the World. (Ed. note: Ahem, we were the first…)

Tamsin is originally from Sydney, where she studied law and international and global studies, but since January 2014 she’s worked as a youth worker in a remote community in the Northern Territory Central Desert.

Figgy in the World was inspired by her three-month stay in Ghana, West Africa, in 2009, when she worked in a school and orphanage and stayed with a local family.

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