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Sleeping in a Big Bed : First Time - Look Inside For Stickers And Certificate - Jaclyn Crupi

Sleeping in a Big Bed

First Time - Look Inside For Stickers And Certificate

By: Jaclyn Crupi, Alicia Bramberger (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 January 2010

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The First Time series addresses situations that often make children feel anxious and uncertain.

The stories are designed to help parents and carers reassure young children by depicting realistic examples and providing topics for discussion.

By taking the mystery out of first-time experiences, these books will help young children to face new situations in their lives.

It is Ruby's first night in a big bed. She has given her cot to her little brother and is looking forward to bedtime.

She has her blankey and Bunny all ready. But will she be able to fall asleep?

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