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From Little Things Big Things Grow : Iconic Indigenous Song Titles Ser. - Paul Kelly

From Little Things Big Things Grow

By: Paul Kelly, Kev Carmody, Peter Hudson (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 December 2011

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The iconic Australian song appears here for the first time as a beautiful book for the young, and the young at heart. Featuring the inspirational words from Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody, the riverting paintings of Peter Hudson, and the sweet wild artwork of Gurindji schoolchildren from Kalkaringi, NT, this book will light up rooms and hearts all over Australia. All profits will be donated to arts and literacy projects for the Gurindji children, in memory and celebration of one of the greatest moments of courage and peace in our history.

" Some day every Australian will know the words of this story. A time will come when we sing this song together, perhaps on a new national holiday to celebrate the greatness of Vincent Lingiari.

The words, the music and all of these small hands painting pictures keeps alive the belief that we can create equality for all of our children." Jeff McMullen, author, journalist, film maker

Ross O'Carroll-Kelly is a fictional character created by Irish journalist Paul Howard.
Industry Reviews
"Some day every Australian will know the words of this story. A time will come when we sing this song together, perhaps on a new national holiday to celebrate the greatness of Vincent Lingiari. The words, the music and all of these small hands painting pictures keep alive the belief that we can create equality for all of our children." Jeff McMullen, author, journalist and film maker.

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