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George Megalogenis on A Nation in Transition : The Politics of Recession and Renewal - George Megalogenis

George Megalogenis on A Nation in Transition

The Politics of Recession and Renewal

By: George Megalogenis

Paperback | 29 February 2016 | Edition Number 61

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Malcolm Turnbull says we need to be agile citizens, and that there has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian. On the other hand, the mining boom is over and a question looms: is a recession on the way?

In this timely and original essay, George Megalogenis investigates a nation in transition. What will a new Australia look like, economically and socially? What are the new politics of change and renewal?

Megalogenis wonders why for so long we stopped being able to think about or prepare for a different future. Why so defensive? Now we are faced with a growing underclass, rising inequality and diminishing opportunities for the young. Have 25 years of growth and unprecedented prosperity come to this? How do we re-imagine a wealthy country notable for its equality; a cohesive country notable for its diversity?

About the Author

George Megalogenis is an author and journalist with three decades' experience in the media. The Australian Moment won the 2013 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Non-fiction and the 2012 Walkley Award for Non-fiction, and formed the basis for the ABC documentary series Making Australia Great. He is also the author of Faultlines, The Longest Decade and Quarterly Essay 40: Trivial Pursuit – Leadership and the End of the Reform Era.

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