Head Over High Heels : Smitten Series - Kate Forster

Head Over High Heels

Smitten Series

By: Kate Forster

Paperback | 1 March 2013 | Edition Number 1

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She's not even interested in a modelling career. She wants to get into Medicine at university. Then she learns how much she could earn from a single photo shoot - enough to give her struggling family the help they need.

Lyssa's parents don't like her talking to boys, let alone posing provocatively for a photographer. And while her best friend Emily is a champion liar, Lyssa's still not sure she'll get away with it. She's always played it safe. But then she meets Dan at the modeling agency, and Dan is all kinds of amazing. Maybe amazing enough to convince Lyssa that she should play it dangerous for once...

About the Author

Kate lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband, two children and two dogs, and can be found nursing a laptop, surrounded by magazines and watching trash TV or French films while Facebooking, pinning on Pinterest, tweeting and texting, usually all at once. Kate is an avid follower of fashion, fame and all things pop culture and is an excellent dinner party guest who always brings gentle gossip and champagne.