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Help Your Kids with Computer Coding : Help Your Kids with - DK Publishing

Help Your Kids with Computer Coding

By: DK Publishing

Paperback | 19 May 2014

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Don't just play computer games with your kids—build them! All you need is a desktop or laptop with Adobe 10.2 or later, and an internet connection to download Scratch 2.0 and Python 3. Coding with Scratch can be done without download on

Help Your Kids with Computer Coding is a straightforward, visual guide to helping kids understand the basics of computer coding using Scratch and Python coding languages. Essential coding concepts like scripts, variables, and strings are explained using build-along projects and games.

Kids can create online games to play like Monkey Mayhem and Bubble Blaster, draw mazes and shapes, build animations, and more using the step-by-step examples to follow and customize. Seven projects let kids—and their parents—practice the skills as they are learning in each section of the book. Kids get instant results, even when completely new to coding.

Packed with visual examples, expert tips, a glossary of key terms, and extras such as profiles of famous coders, Help Your Kids with Computer Coding lays a hands-on foundation for coding so adults and kids can learn together.

Supporting STEM education initiatives, computer coding teaches kids how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically, and is quickly becoming a necessary and sought-after skill. DK's computer coding books are full of fun exercises with step-by-step guidance, making them the perfect introductory tools for building vital skills in computer programming.

Industry Reviews
A TECH/prep by Facebook recommended resource.

"[T]he instruction is so well thought out and presented that, even without parents watching over their shoulders, kids should be able to teach themselves both of the languages without much trouble." --

"Help Your Kids With Computer Coding was just the thing I needed to give my daughter a jump start on programming a game." --

..".[T]his is not your typical, boring programming text. The book is colorful, playful and engaging, using a combination of words and pictures to explain complex programming topics." --

"I highly recommend this book for introducing the world of computer science to adults and students in grade 5 and higher." --

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